Wumi Toriola, a well-known actress, proudly announced her recent accomplishment of earning a Master's Degree from Ladoke Akintola University of Technology (LAUTECH). She took to her Instagram page to share the exciting news with her followers.
Accompanied by a striking image of herself in a graduation gown, holding the university's yearbook, Toriola expressed her joy and gratitude for reaching this milestone.
In her caption, she reflected on the journey and wrote, "WHATEVER YOUR HANDS FIND TO DO, DO!!! It's convocation baby. Master's degree Done and Dusted… NEW LADDERS BLINKING!!!!! Congratulations to me and class of 2022/2023 Academic session. Thank You LAUTECH ❤️🙏🙏🙏"
Toriola's achievement serves as an inspiration to her fans and showcases the importance of pursuing education alongside a successful career in the entertainment industry.
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