“Why are men scared to approach me” -7ft tall ebony lady complains on the lack of confidence in suitors to approach her…….(video)

While been tall for a man in society would come as a blessing, for a lady it has the opposite effect.

Most men prefer a smaller partner for many reasons, but only a few prefer slightly taller or women the same height.

But the Amazon in question has a staggering height of slightly over 7ft, making her taller than majority if not all men she would come across.

Despite her intriguing genetics and fun personality, she complains of the lack of confidence of men to walk with her or even approach her.

Many sigh in discomfort as they are forced to look upon her while she looks down on them.

Despite a successful career this Amazon beauty feels alone and craves the genuine love and affection a confident spouse can give.

So what’s your opinion would you date a woman over 7ft tall, or would shy away from such an offer.

Comment like and share so we know if there is hope for this beauty

Watch her video below:

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