Dwayne Johnson explains why he doesn’t have six-pack abs

 Dwayne Johnson is in unbelievable shape. However, some fans have noticed he doesn’t appear to have a six pack – and he has addressed why.

The 50-year-old muscle mountain started his career in American football and wrestling before transitioning to an action movie star.

As gym goers scour the internet and social media for pictures of the Fast and Furious actor for inspo, some have been left wondering why he doesn’t have defined six-pack abs.

This exact question was presented to Johnson during an interview with Wired as part of their ‘Autocomplete’ series, where celebrities face the internet’s burning questions.

Johnson’s Jungle Cruise co-star Emily Blunt read the question countless internet users had searched on Google: “What’s wrong with The Rock’s abs?”

“That's so f****d up!” he replied. “There's nothing wrong with them, no. Here's the thing. I think because on Instagram, all these Instagram fitness models have these incredible six, eight, 12, 24-pack stomachs.

"I got like a five-and-a-half pack, sometimes a four-and-a-half pack,” he explained.

He also shared a painful injury during one of his wrestling matches which led to a ‘chain reaction’ of injuries which required surgery around his abdomen area.

“But the problem was – which a lot of people don't know – I tore in a wrestling match, I tore the top of my quad off my pelvis, it went bang, in a wrestling match,” he continued.

“And then what that did was that caused a chain reaction and it tore my abdomen wall, so then I had to do a triple hernia emergency surgery, of a tear, a tear and a tear.

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